Over 30+ colleges already using College Green

Make transactions on your college campus simple, secure, and swift.
Our innovative technology streamlines multiple processes in order to generate revenue for the college, increase efficiencies for staff, and accommodate the needs of students and parents.
Interested in what College Green can do?
Send us a message and we’ll walk you through what it can do for your campus.
What College Green can do for your campus
Pay now
The PAY NOW online payment processing system allows your college to accept secure, one-time payments 24 hours, 7 days a week.
PAY NOW originates inside the student portal.
Debit or credit cards may be used & payments post in real time to the student’s account.
Online payments reduce the workload for the business office. PAY NOW results in fewer student transactions requiring business office personnel.

Payment plan
Payment Plan helps increase enrollment and student retention by allowing students to pay tuition and fees over time.
With single or multiple payment options available, Payment Plan originates inside the student portal and provides flexibility for both the college and the student.
Students may choose to pay via debit card, credit card, or bank account draft, and revenue sharing is available to the college.
Payment gateway
Payment Gateway integrates into your college website and allows you to accept online payments for college related activities, merchandise, and donations.
College Green’s efficient online payment solution removes the payment processing burden from college staff, increasing payment capture, and reducing time and personnel required to collect, deposit, and reconcile payments.

Merchant processing
Herring Bank’s CLOVER POINT-OF-SALE SYSTEM offers colleges, foundations and non-profits a powerful opportunity to accept credit and debit card payments, cash and checks in a simple, secure and streamlined manner.
Whether your organization sells merchandise at a concession stand or a concert, or would like to accept donations on the fly, Herring Bank’s CLOVER solution streamlines transactions.
Meal plans
College Green provides flexible meal plan solutions by using innovative technology that integrates with your college ERP, enabling freedom to define and sell multiple meal plan options.
Using swipe terminals to process rapid transactions across campus, our system also delivers tracking, statistics, records and reporting capabilities that increase efficiencies and revenues from food service operations.

Campus closed loop solutions
Closed loop solutions support a college’s desire to conduct financial and non-financial transactions through the use of a Student ID wallet card.
A variety of “wallets” can be applied to a Student ID allowing for purchases, as well as non-financial transactions.
A non-financial transaction might include accessing the college’s health and fitness center or gaining entrance to a college sponsored event.
1098T ready
Meet IRS requirements and provide a quick and easy solution for 1098T reporting. Our solution offers quick customer on-boarding with convenient student access, as well as downloadable or printable forms for mail delivery of 1098T forms.

Refund choice
Reduce the need for paper checks by offering your students Refund Choice!
This solution enables students to elect to receive refunds directly into a linked checking account – from the student portal – for easy and convenient payment distribution.
You might be wondering about…
Are your products are compatible with any ERP?
What if a student does not have a bank account for direct deposit?
We offer a no fee checking student checking account, or we can mail a paper check to the student.
Where can I read more about Online Payment systems for schools?
You can learn about online payment systems for schools here!